all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 5AA 53 5 53.833141 -2.737874
PR3 5AB 26 3 53.839182 -2.74009
PR3 5AD 13 0 53.84698 -2.743678
PR3 5AE 22 0 53.830923 -2.738945
PR3 5AH 23 0 53.83741 -2.752386
PR3 5AJ 5 2 53.842545 -2.736034
PR3 5AL 14 0 53.835301 -2.73732
PR3 5AN 14 0 53.834985 -2.737235
PR3 5AP 12 0 53.834323 -2.737135
PR3 5AQ 22 0 53.832698 -2.735314
PR3 5AR 10 0 53.838636 -2.715009
PR3 5AS 80 1 53.830571 -2.734775
PR3 5AT 16 0 53.833518 -2.736529
PR3 5AU 9 1 53.830709 -2.723899
PR3 5AX 25 2 53.828814 -2.710207
PR3 5AY 71 0 53.830797 -2.733199
PR3 5AZ 9 0 53.831614 -2.733274
PR3 5BA 6 0 53.831997 -2.733934
PR3 5BB 19 0 53.831981 -2.735058
PR3 5BD 3 0 53.832273 -2.737206